As a business owner…
it’s important to remember that you are in a relationship with your clients and customers and it’s important to remind them that you are grateful for their business. Making client appreciation a regular part of your customer service will not only increase their loyalty but also will help when it comes time for them to pass along recommendations to their friends and family.
Oh the options!
There are lots of options when it comes to client appreciation gifts and some of them are expensive. However, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune to show your gratitude. Here are five simple ways to show your clients come love.
#1 – Send a handwritten note/card
Everyone is bombarded with email so if you take the time to send a handwritten note and mail it to them, your client will know that you took just a little more effort to do something nice for them. Thank them for their business, remember their birthday or just drop a note to say ‘hello’. This is a nice personal way to keep in touch.
BONUS TIP: Invest in branded notecards. Your brand extends past your business card and website so be sure to keep it all consistent.
#2 – Send them a book
Books are another great gift to show appreciation. Spend some time getting to know your clients and who their favorite authors are and what types of things they like to read. If you happen to get your hands on an autographed copy…STELLAR!
BONUS TIP: If your client is a budding author, send them a blank journal book with an inscription that will encourage them to write their great masterpiece.
#3 – Treat them to a virtual cup of coffee
Maybe you work across the globe from your clients so grabbing a cup of coffee at the neighborhood coffee shop wouldn’t be ideal. Send your client a $5 gift card to Starbucks (or other coffee shop that they love local to them) and include a note that says you want to treat them to a cup of coffee.
BONUS TIP: Encourage them to take a selfie (or at least a photo of the cup of coffee if they are camera shy) and send it to you so you can post on social media giving you both some extra “buzz”.
#4 – Give them a bonus session or extra time
If they have been a loyal client for some time and even when they are a great referral source, gift them with more of you! Growing businesses always have something to do so give them a few extra minutes to get it done. It doesn’t have to be a ton of time but enough to be valuable.
BONUS TIP: Use this time in the form of a strategy session so that you can come up with more projects the two of you can work on together.
#5 – Introduce them to other potential customers and clients
Nothing says “I love you” in business more than a referral. When you have a friend or colleague that would benefit from your client’s services, don’t hesitate to make the connection.
BONUS TIP: Let your client know that you’ve made the referral by either calling or emailing first and THEN copying (BCC) them on the email with information. Let your client have the contact information (if ok with the person you are referring them to of course) so they can follow-up accordingly.
It really is simple.
No big gifts and packages are required to share the love you have for your clients and their business. Mention their business on social media to create additional buzz (if it’s ok with them), provide freebies and goodies just for them and naturally don’t forget the easiest of all…say Thank You.
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Written By
Holly Kile – Marketing Assistant