Have you ever wondered if you should have a website? Here’s the answer….
Yes, please get a website already. If you don’t have a website, you’re missing out on big opportunities for business growth. If you have a website and it stinks, then don’t wait any longer to act. Get your website fixed. Get it redesigned. Get it rebuilt. Do whatever you have to do, and spend whatever amount of money you have to spend to make it right. Otherwise, your losing quality online market share and customers. Once you begin to lose online market share to your competitors, it is very hard to get back.
The truth is, every business big and small should have a website.
It doesn’t matter if you are self-employed or if your business has hundreds of people. There are countless reasons to have a website and it better be a darn good one too.
Why should you care this much about having a website? Does it really matter in the big picture? Again, yes. If you’re committed to running a successful business and being around long term, then you need a great website. It will help you grow your customer base and generate more revenue.
Your website is the most direct path of communication between you and your clientele. Your website is your online store front, and perception IS reality. That means, if your website is ugly and not user friendly you’ll lose customers. If it has broken links and is not updated regularly then you’ll get penalized by search engines. If it’s not mobile responsive and easy to navigate then this makes visitors think that you really don’t care. All of these negative perceptions raise red flags and your business and brand will lose credibility over time.
Still not convinced? Here’s a list of reasons why you need a website for your business:
Your website is one of the most important assets you own. It’s your marketing department. It’s your sales department. It’s your support department. Your website accepts phone calls, emails, and form submissions. Your website takes credit card payments from your customers 24/7/365. It answers your customers questions and educates them about you and the awesome services you provide. Your website lets the world know what you believe in, and what you can do for people. It shares downloadable tools, resources, case studies, pictures, and videos of your work. And perhaps most important, your website provides proof in the form of positive reviews and testimonials from your best customers.
In closing, understand that your website isn’t just another random page on the internet. It’s the front door to your business, and it needs to be very inviting to your visitors. Once you get your website really dialed in, then it’ll be well-oiled machine that works for you 24/7/365. Your website can be your autopilot employee that doesn’t sleep, doesn’t take vacations, and doesn’t call in for sick days. Once you finally give your website the love and attention it deserves, you’ll begin to see incredible results. However, if you neglect your website, then the results you want will be non-existent.
Do you think you should have a website now?
To continue the conversation, let’s talk.
Written By
Brian Evans – President
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