Strong Brand Identity Importance in Lexington, Kentucky

In today’s fast paced and highly competitive business world, having a strong brand identity is more crucial than ever. A brand identity goes beyond just a logo or catchy tagline; it encompasses the values, personality and unique offerings of a company. A compelling brand identity can differentiate a business from its competitors, foster customer loyalty…

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Emails You Can Automate to Boost Sales, Upsells, and Profits.

Email is a powerful marketing tool for any business if you leverage it properly. A customer’s inbox is a distraction-free zone you’ve been invited into. This gives you the chance to capture their attention with more high-targeted offers than any digital channel. Effectiveness and ROI of email marketing are incredible for this very reason. Email…

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MIND BLOWN – Able to Strive in the Midst of Adversity.

Living in the real world… and having to endure all that life throws your way can be a daunting task for sure. Most of us can agree that in a perfect world we would welcome all things that make us happy and none of the things that make us feel unpleasant emotions, for example: sadness,…

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